Tuesday 31 May 2011

看《她的故事》。。。 牵不到她的手




这是陈宝珍女士的故事,由她儿子方永晋执笔。人家说 “每个伟大的男人背后都有一个更伟大的女人!” ,我是相信的。然而,遗憾的是,剧本在这点上欠缺力度,让我虽然能够了解事件,但却无法走入她的世界,以致不容易为她所动。。。

我并不是要一齣歌颂女性的 ‘样板戏’。但,我真的很想了解这伟大的女人背后,那细微的想法和感受 —— 她的观点、她的挣扎、她的理想、她的爱情。。。剧本一直在交代事件,反而对此人物的内心世界着笔不多,不过,还好有导演细腻的处理方式,在恰当的时候,‘放缓’ 舞台上的 ‘时间’。。。能让我有多一秒,尝试从演员的眼瞳中,试着进入她的世界。。。

这部戏充满了 ‘男人’ 对 ‘女人’ 的压迫感 —— 丈夫给妻子的 ‘标准’,儿子对母亲的 ‘要求’。。。妻子如何无奈地接受 ‘标准’,母亲怎样倔强地抗拒 ‘要求’。。。到最后,‘她’ 变成了一位固执、小气的 ‘噢巴桑’,唯一的心愿就是在滨海艺术中心完成她的演唱会。。。

我开始困惑。。。?? 创作者到底是要赞美她的 ‘牺牲’? 还是要控诉她的 ‘懵塞’?

一个付出过这么多、经历得那么深的女人,怎么会被描绘成仅仅这么 ‘一般’?在她尽力想做 ‘普通人’ 的今时,背后努力地埋葬着 ‘不平凡’ 的过往。。。她的美,她的倔强,她的温柔,她义无反顾的奉献,她坚毅不屈的精神,她的勇敢,她的懦弱,她的担心,她的憧憬,她的无助,她的爱。。。我真的想牵一牵她的手。。。

我想,只有用 ‘牵过对方的手’ 的手来完成这个剧本,才能拨动观众的心弦。。。





Sunday 13 March 2011

Is Singapore my Kampong?

The day before, I had a conversation with a 26 year-old young banker...
Last night, I went to see a show by TNS - Balek Kampong
Now, my mind is jammed with emotions and questions...

In the cosy environment at a bar, I was introduced to a 26 year-old young banker - Smart-looking and bright, sociable and pretty chatty... The conversation turned a bit 'serious' when I said...

Me : I don't like Singapore... I don't like to stay in Singapore...
Man : Why?
Me: Well, too many restrictions, too fake...
Man : Isn't restrictions good for the country?
Me : (Look at him in silence, then grin - was a bit high on alcohol)
Man : Yah! If not for that, we will be very unstable!
Me : Unstable?... Hmm, but Singapore is 'dead'.
Man : Singapore is one of the, if not, the most stable country in the World! We have the most stable economic market and political situation!
Me : Well, it's not that I don't care about our economic market... But... We don't talk, we don't discuss, we don't think anymore...
Man : What else for us to think?! Have a good job, don't commit any crime, get your CPF to buy a house, work hard, we have no natural disaster! (Not like Japan!) Rules are good! That's why we have low crime rates!
Me : ... You know, when I first saw a 'strike' on the street of Hong Kong, I then suddenly realized how ignorant I am for so many years! I feel like I was being kept in a 'box'! I was moved by the power...
Man : Aiyah, that's why their stock market goes up and down! You won't like that (the strike) if you have to face that every other week...
Me : Yes, I may not like it... But it will make me think... And the city is 'alive'!
Man : Yah... yah... You are being too emotional!... Well, I guess the Moon is always rounder on the other side!...
Me : (Stare at him)
Me : So you love Singapore very much I guess?
Man : Of course! Singapore is good!
Me : What will you do if Singapore is in war?
Man : Do? Do what? Singapore's so small, just one bomb enough lah! No choice lor, take the money and go overseas! But, by then we probably can't get our CPF... Hahaha...

Last night, I went to see 'Balek Kampong' by The Necessary Stage. Totally moved by the play! All three actresses were fantastic in their interpretation/delivery of their roles. Then It makes me think of the conversation from the previous night... 

There were lines in the play that sounds SO familiar!!... Because I have asked myself those questions... time and time again...

I realized that I am shy to admit that I am Singaporean when I'm overseas... 'I am Singaporean' - Such a difficult statement to say! Why? 

Patriotism is like a religion. You must have faith! I have no religion. Am I free to choose other religions? What if I choose other religions? Am I betraying the 'supposed' religion that I'm 'supposed' to be 'born into'?

Is the Moon really rounder on the other side? 

I would really love to have my own 'Kampong'. A place that I could call it 'My Kampong', and be proud of it! A place where I can show it to the World - How beautiful is my Kampong! 

I know I will someday leave the country and stay elsewhere...

My mind is jammed. I am being emotional. I need my Zyrtec...